Thanks for reaching the personal website of Chongchong Qi. Primarily, I am a professor in School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, China. My research topics include the interaction between rock mass and cemented paste backfill (CPB), CPB design, machine-learning aided CPB design, environmental management and computational chemistry. The hydration mechanism in cement-based materials is also being investigated.
In addition to the aforementioned topics, my research interest is mainly focused on the application of artificial intelligence in Civil, Mining and Environmental Engineering. Potential research topics under current study include, but not limieted to, the following: 1) the combination of AI with acoustic emission for the classification of crack and prediction of rock failure; 2) the combination of AI with SEM for a more widely application of image processing; 3) the combination of AI with signal processing, especially signals from microquake or earthquake, for the prediction of hazards.
In this website, you may read a brief biographical note and a brief blog introducing recent activities. You may also glance at a undergraduate and graduate courses I have learned over the years and download a short CV in pdf format. You can also browse recent and upcoming research artivities as well as the various forms of expertise rendered to agencies, journals and volunteer works of my past experience.
Professor Chongchong Qi received his Bachelor degree from China University of Mining and Technology, China, and PhD degree from The University of Western Australia, Australia. After that, he visited several universities around the world as a visiting professor, including University of Transport and Technology, Vietnam and Inha University, South Korean. He has been a technical committee member of TC309 Machine Learning and Big Data, ISSMGE and an active member of several international societies. He is an Editorial
Board Member of SCI journal ‘International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and
Materials’ and EI journal ‘Recent Patents on Computer Science’.
He has considerable expertise in rock and soil mechanics, artificial intelligence, signal processing, materials science, and chemistry. After 2019, Prof. Qi devoted himself to teaching and researching in Central South University, China. The research topics of Prof. Qi includes, but not limited to, cemented paste backfill, environmental assessment and protection, mine closures, construction stability, and the application of artificial intelligence in civil and/or mining engineering.
Prof. Qi has published 36 peer reviewed SCI papers. Among them, 12 papers have been selected as ESI highly-cited papers (1%) and 2 papers have been selected as ESI hot papers (1‰). Journal papers have received more than 500 citations and Hi-index is 15 (Google scholar, 2019/09/12). He served as lead guest editor, guest editor, and editorial board member of several SCI Journals (including Advances in Civil Engineering and International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials).
Prof. Qi has also served as chair and committee member for several international conferences. He was invited as Keynote Speaker, Speaker, and Seminar Speaker for more than ten times, including two from University of Oxford and University of Cambridge. Prof. Qi was awarded the Outstanding Reviewers by reputed SCI journal and has helped SCI journal review more than 50 papers. Prof. Qi was also awarded the Research Award in Western Australia, Australia, and the second prize for underground thesis of Jiangsu Province, China.
Skills developed for current and future research include: Numerical modelling, in-situ measurement, complex potential method, laboratory tests, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining, programming (VB, C and Python), signal processing, image processing, optimisation algorithm and first-principles calculations.
A graphic CV can be viewed here or you can download the full CV in pdf format.